
Table of Contents

Some meta ideas about learning:

1. Writing

1.2. Videos

2. Web Technologies

3. Data Structures and Algorithms

3.2. Lectures

4. Math

4.8. Real Analysis

5. Distributed Systems

6. Database

6.1. Practice

7. Information,Thinking and Learning

8. HCI & Future of programming

9. Physics

10. Data Analysis and Viz

11. Map and Geography

11.1. Inspirations

11.1.2. Interesting interactive maps

11.1.3. Tools ppl built

12. Compilers, Interpreters and PLT

12.2. Lectures

12.5. Tools

  • analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis: A curated list of static analysis (SAST) tools for all programming languages, config files, build tools, and more. The focus is on tools which improve code quality.

13. Security

13.1. Lectures

14. Network

15. Finance and Economics

16. Computer Architecture

16.2. Others

17. Operating Systems and Kernel

18. Machine Performance

19. Creative Programming

20. Computer graphics

20.1. Inspiration

21. Archival

22. Search & Recommendations

23. Zig

24. Climate change

25. Machine Learning

25.1. Blogposts

25.1.4. LLMs

25.3. YouTubers

26. How to do research & classical engineering

27. General Software Engineering

28. Embedded systems and Radio

Author: Hrishikesh Barman

Created: 2024-01-21 Sun 10:04