
anexternal link antilibraryexternal link is that collection of books you know a bit about, but have not read, and the latent potential of all the wonders they may hold. We can extend the same idea to other media, too — essays, films, websites, and so on — anything you might learn from.

How is the anti-library populated?

Anti-library sort of is just a fancy term for bookmarks in the way I am using it. It falls in the capture phase of my notetaking process. I use org-capture to manage these notes and there’s some custom css which help color the status of the items in this page. The supported statuses can be found hereexternal link . When making entry for monthly notes , we shall discard FINISHED and DROPPED items from the anti-library. If I make any notes they’ll be available in the wikiexternal link

I’ve exported this page just to have the information public, otherwise this page is managed and used inside emacs, i have org-agenda templates which picks things up from this list to put them in my agenda.

Posts posts #

Un-categorized #

Lifestyle #

Product product #

Product Management #

Learn about Pricing #

Starting Up #

PG Essays #

Read all of them

Writing #

DS&Algo dsalgo #

Distributed Systems #

TOCONSUME Long form Dist Sys posts #


Database #

TOCONSUME Good to know Databases #

TOCONSUME Data Engineering #


Thinking #

PLT plt #

Random Blogposts about programming languages #

Security security #

Interesting Security posts #

Study Password Managers #

Economics #

TOCONSUME Economics Explainers #

TOCONSUME Industries #

Tech know how #

Programming in general #

Movies movies #

Un-categorized #

TOCONSUME Into the Wild #

TOCONSUME Frances Ha #

TOCONSUME Sound of Metal #

Videos videos #

Un-categorized #

Tech #

Productivity #

Writing #

Security security #

Product #

Systems #

Books book #

Information #

Software #

Lectures lectures #

Writing #

TOCONSUME Short Lectures/Walkthroughs on Writing #

Thinking #

ML #